Thursday, February 4, 2010

Enjoying the study holidays.......

I'm on a holiday haaaaahhhhhhhhh sorry!! study holiday as my semeters exams are there over this weekend. I know it's pretty hard to sit n study but im kind of enjoying reading some really good topics..

Apart from studying, I'm enjoying a lot of things.

Enjoying early morning cold breeze with a steaming  cup of cofeee
Pulling my Mom's leg's
Enjoying playing with my sweet little neighbour Trisha, whose just 5 months old.
Chatting with my sister and giving a big shopping list to her...Which love doing always..grin!!!
Texting my friend :)

Have to enjoy studying.. no other go !!! he he he e


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are on a blogging spree! Caught upon all you old posts today..

    Enjoy your holidays and keep blogging!!
